Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What is the history of Viruses?

1986 - Brain, PC-Write Trojan, & Virdem
The common story is that two brothers from Pakistan analyzed the boot sector of a floppy disk and developed a method of infecting it with a virus dubbed ''Brain'' (the origin is generally accepted but not absolutely). Because it spread widely on the popular MS-DOS PC system this is typically called the first computer virus; even though it was predated by Cohen's experiments and the Apple II virus. That same year the first PC-based Trojan was released in the form of the popular shareware program PC-Write. Some reports say Virdem was also found this year; it is often called the first file virus.
1987 - File Infectors, Lehigh, & Christmas Worm
The first file viruses started to appear. Most concentrated on COM files; COMMAND.COM in particular. The first of these to infect COMMAND.COM is typically reported to be the Lehigh virus. At this time other work was done to create the first EXE infector: Suriv-02(Suriv = Virus backward). (This virus evolved into the Jerusalem virus.) A fast-spreading (500,000 replications per hour) worm hit IBM mainframes during this year: the IBM Christmas Worm.
1988 - MacMag, Scores, & Internet Worm
MacMAg, a Hypercard stack virus on the Macintosh is generally considered the first Macintosh virus and the Scores virus was the source of the first major Macintosh outbreak. The Internet Worm (Robert Morris' creation in November) causes the first Internet crisis and shut down many computers. CERT is created to respond to such attacks.
1989 - AIDS Trojan
This Trojan is famous for holding data hostage. The Trojan was sent out under the guise of an AIDS information program. When run it encrypted the user's hard drive and demanded payment for the decryption key.
1990 - VX BBS & Little Black Book (AT&T Attack)
The first virus exchange (VX) BBS went online in Bulgaria. Here virus authors could trade code and exchange ideas. Also, in 1990, Mark Ludwig's book on virus writing (The Little Black Book of Computer Viruses) was published. While there is no proof, hackers are suspected of taking down the AT&T long-distance switching system.
1991 - Tequila
Tequila was the first polymorphic virus; it came out of Switzerland and changed itself in an attempt to avoid detection.
1992 - Michelangelo, DAME, & VCL
Michelangelo was the first media darling. A wordwide alert went out with claims of massive damage predicted. Actually, little happened. The same year the Dark Avengar Mutation Engine (DAME) became the first toolkit that could be used to turn any virus into a polymorphic virus. Also that year the Virus Creation Laboratory(VCL) became the first actual virus creation kit. It had pull-down menus and selectable payloads (though it's reported to not have worked very well).
1993 - Stealth_boot PMBS
Stealth boot PMBS used a unique technique to operate. You caught it by booting from an infected floppy disk. Once installed, Stealth_Boot would install itself in extended memory, switched the computer into protected mode, and then ran a virtual V86 machine which DOS and programs would use. Basically, the virus existed between the operating system and the hardware.
1995 - Year of the Hacker
Hackers attacked Griffith Air Force Base, the Korean Atomic Research Institute, NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. GE, IBM, Pipeline and other companies were all hit by the "Internet Liberation Front".
1995 - Concept
The first macro virus to attack Word, Concept, was developed.


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